I was um, I was on the phone with a buddy of mine. Do you happen to know this guy named Drexel? No, I can't honestly say that I do. You know what'd you say? I said I honestly can't say that I do. The name doesn't sound familiar, okay, okay. He's a big guy in LA that fights for black contractors, is that right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, but he makes a lot of noise. Well, that's good man. We need people fighting first 'cause that's probably what did it Prada, that's what we don't have, that's true, very much true, man. Hey, hold up man, how was the conference man with my mouse here? Oh, I'm tripping, uh, man, you know what, it was fun. You know I had a lot of fun, men are networked a lot, man. Made a lot of powerful black women in business, brother. It was like wow, just to sit in and then look out into the audience to see nothing but women who are starting their business, who have been in business for years, who are inspiring younger women to start their business, man, that's why I made sure my daughter, Mike, look, you come with me to this event, you can see other women in business doing their thing, man. And it was truly inspirational. I was nervous, man, my heart was beating off my chest, but in the end, I guess it was good, you know 'cause a lot of them thank me for the information. There were some things that they said they didn't know, no one has ever told them, so I'm just glad I was able to impart some money-saving wisdom to those women in business, man, because, you know, if we don't know what we're...
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1099-s instructions Form: What You Should Know
IRS Form 1099-S Instructions for 2025 | How to fill out 1099-S Dec 2, 2025 — If you didn't sell your home for any reason, report income on your tax return on Schedule C by “filing with the report each source of income from all sources other than that from the selling or rental of the primary residence. Report on Schedule C the amounts from all sources other than rental income or proceeds from the sale of the home that were part of your home's sale proceeds. IRS Form 1099-S Instructions for 2030 | How to fill out 1099-S (Info Copy Only). Note that there's no change on the information under 1099-S. It's still available and your tax accountant (tax preparer) is not likely to know more in detail about it. 1099-S for Sales or Lease of Secondary Property (1099-S-TR) IRS Form 1099-S-TR (10/22/2030) is issued for sale or lease of a primary residential property. This form is for reporting a sale or lease of a secondary property. It's a different form from the Form 1099-MISC that you file on your primary residence. 1099999999999999-MISC Form 1099-MISC (2/14/2031) Under the 1099-MISC, there are some important changes to the information required on Schedule C to the 1099 tax form. Line 3 now requires the number of shares of certain capital securities as well as the number of shares of the capital income of specified investments. If you have a retirement annuity that pays you a distribution after you die, these are considered part of the annuity's income. Line 31 includes the number of share of capital securities. If you hold an IRA at all, this is how you report the IRA contribution to Schedule D. If you don't have an IRA, this amount is for you to keep on your balance sheet as an expense item. Line 32 is the amount of interest you paid on qualified deposits that are held as capital assets, such as stocks and bonds. You don't have to report it because this amount is not taxable in most states.
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